Sunday, December 1, 2013

Heck yeah, I like tennis balls!

Hi, My foster mom and dad call be "BJ" or "Beej" and I'm a dreamboat. My very shiny black coat is very dramatic, but I have a pure white spot on my chest and a little white on my two back feet. I'm very curious about things both inside and outside. Dad walks me several times a day along with my foster sister and brother. I often tag along with them, but more often I have to investigate everything. Dad says I'm self-confident because I don't seem to be scared about anything.

 I like playing with stuffed toys and chewing on dog bones, but I'm also very well behaved and don't chew on anything I'm not supposed to.  They say I'm cat tolerant, but in truth I'm "curious" about the cats--I'll sniff at them, whine, and sometimes bark, but the Siamese cat here stands up to me and backs me down when I get too close. In new settings I'm cautious and a little slow to make friends, but once I get to know you I'm affectionate and like being petted. 

Oh, and as far as tennis balls, I LOVE THEM!  I chew on them, throw them up in the air, and pounce on them when they come down.  Dad bounced one down the hall and I almost ran over mom and the cat chasing it.  I think they're my favorite toy.

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